The Living Stories Story
The Seed of an Idea
Living Stories began during the COVID-19 pandemic. As our community moved toward regathering, a group of children in our congregation expressed their longing to be together for Godly Play, in person, rather than continuing on Zoom. Their request inspired an experiment: Godly Play & Eucharist, held outdoors in our church’s back parking lot.
From Seed to Growth
Over time, those humble gatherings began to evolve. The tactile storytelling of Godly Play, combined with the shared participation of Eucharist, planted the seed for what would later become Living Stories Sermons. This approach reimagined preaching by inviting the whole congregation into the storytelling and interpretation process, transforming traditional sermons into dynamic, intergenerational experiences.
A Model Emerges
As the practice grew, Living Stories Sermons took shape, blending the structure of the Revised Common Lectionary with the creativity and interactivity of Godly Play. The model retained key
elements of Montessori storytelling—tactile materials, wondering questions, and open-ended exploration—while situating them firmly within the context of Sunday liturgy. What started as an experiment became a replicable model for intergenerational sermons.
From One Congregation to Many
Fast forward a few years, and that seed planted in our parking lot has grown into a flourishing ministry, with 10 congregations actively engaging with Living Stories Sermons. As we share this transformative practice through workshops, webinars, and new partnerships, the model continues to evolve, guided by the Spirit and shaped by the communities it touches.
Living Stories is a testament to what can happen when we embrace the messiness of creativity and trust in the Spirit to guide us. We’re excited to see where the journey leads next and grateful for every community that joins us in exploring the transformative power of Living Stories.